Word of the Day
Habakkuk 3:19 The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights.
Habakkuk 3:19 The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights.
The Church of South India is the result of the union of churches of varying traditions Anglican, Methodist, Congregational, Presbyterian, and Reformed. It was inaugurated in September 1947, after protracted negotiation among the churches concerned. Organized into 22 dioceses, each under the spiritual supervision of a bishop, the church as a whole is governed by a synod, which elects a moderator (presiding bishop) every 2 years. Episcopacy is thus combined with Synodical government, and the church explicitly recognizes that Episcopal, Presbyterian, and congregational elements are all necessary for the church’s life. The Scriptures are the ultimate standard of faith and practice. The historic creeds are accepted as interpreting the biblical faith, and the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper are recognized as of binding obligation.
The women fellowship of our church meet regularly on the 2nd Saturday evening and 4th Saturday evening. Outreach ministry, fasting and prayer, retreats, sick visit, home prayers for youngone getting wedded
We have 2 Sunday schools one during the English service at 7.am and the other during the Tamil service at 8:45 AM. Around 200 children attend the Sunday school. We follow the syllabus designed by the Christian
We have 2 Sunday schools one during the English service at 7.am and the other during the Tamil service at 8:45 AM. Around 200 children attend the Sunday school. We follow the syllabus designed by the Christian
Our church youth fellowship meet every Sunday, soon after the Tamil worship service. About 40 youth, both male and female attend the fellowship. Hospital visit, outreach ministry, Bible studies, competitions
The Men’s fellowship of our church meet regularly on the 2nd Saturday evening . Outreach ministry, fasting and prayer, retreats, sick visit, home prayers for youngone getting wedded are some of the significant ministries